Congratz to Ms. YLS..hahaha =D
17 year old ady..
Yesterday was my birthday~
And i celebrated wif my frens, my special one & my beloved family =) 17 years life passed ady..
super duper fast~~
Thx for your homemade cake ^^
It's really delicious..YUMMY =D
I miss the moment tat we spent together ^^
This will last forever ^^
Thx for my frens wishes..
Yesterday i open my fb profile..
When i saw many frens commented on my wall..
My mood automatically on =D
although juz a simple & short word~
But it is enuf touch for me^^
And yesterday sing K for 5 hours something..
Wow~~ so geng^^
And i get my S.H.E concert DVD ady!!
Juz finished disc 1~~ ^^
When i watching..i had goose bumps..
Their friendship..Their voice~~
I LOVE IT!! ^^
Later nite update again..
gonna go gai gai ady..