
The Many First Time DAY.

今天是一点都不 BLUE 的 Monday..haha
因为我们为 S.H.E 而疯狂 xD

Wake up in the early morning.
Ready to buy the S.H.E "Together Forever" concert ticket.
Once I reached the Galaxy Group office.
Already got a lot of people queuing there.

Finally the queue start moving at 10am
But after that, I stand at the same place for 45 minutes -,-
Then i decided to meet someone at Sungei Wang
Since there is no so long queue
And my friend is quite in front in the queue.

I run to KTM from Mid Valley
Then run from KL Central to monorail
And run from monorail to Sungei Wang
This is the day what I call running day. hahaha
Fortunately, I'm on time.
She said my timing is good. xD
If not i have to queue again. haha

Finally we got this *.*
Waiting for the day to come~

This was last Thursday.
Went for HPV Vaccination.
Reached there before 8am.
But wait till around 9.30am only start the injection =.=

It was a very fast process for the injection.
I think 1 or 2 minutes can done.
My friends go first and they said pain when inject.
When it's my turn.
I sit  on the chair and open my eyes big big
To see the nurse to help me inject.
It's no pain, just when the nurse press the syringe
Will feel a little pain.

While we waiting for the 30 minutes after the injection
Got a malay fainted @.@
Then the nurse said next time must eat breakfast before come for injection.

Last Sunday Night.
Went Marco's Restaurant to had our dinner.
We use the voucher brought from Groupon.
Used RM36 to buy a RM100 voucher.
The foods is ok.
But not really nice
And the price may be a little bit expensive to us. =D


Still got one photo want to upload.
I love the photo so much.
And the title will be 

But I'm still not brave enough. hahaha
Maybe it's not my style. xD

